
Saturday 12 December 2009

Tips Interview

Ten Tips for a Better Interview

Ten Tips for a Better Interview

can be helpful for knowing the basic guidelines.

Tip 1: Be prepared and don’t ever think you’ll be fine if you slack a bit.

Tip 2: Make sure the person you’re interviewing knows exactly what you are wanting to write about.

Tip 3: Be punctual. Do not be late as it gives a horrible first impression, and many people that are interviewed have busy schedules.

Tip 4: Be observant during the interview to sort of gain a better understanding of the person being interviewed.

Tip 5: Be polite. Manners are a must when interviewing people. After all, they do not have to let you interview them.

Tip 6: Listen intently but if you don’t understand something, speak up. Most people being interviewed are happy to explain things further.

Tip 7: Remain silent sometimes. If the person being interviewed doesn’t like a question you might have asked they may become silent. Do not break the silence, usually the other person will get too uncomfortable and break the silence with the answer.

Tip 8: Make eye contact. The interview should flow sort of like a conversation, which makes your interview more personable and go better as a general rule.

Tip 9: Before leaving ask the person if there was anything you missed, and thank them for their time.

Tip 10: Review the notes you take after the interview and don’t wait until the day your story is due.

gud luck u olls n hav a nice day^_^

TQ for reading dis entry.Hope u can be a good person :)

1 comment:

Terima Kasih sudi komen yang baik-baik ^_^